Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Hogwarts, a history"

So yesterday we went on a tour of Christ's Church! Also known as Hogarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm a dork I know, but all of you that are reading this are too. We got to go into the Great Hall where they filmed the dinning hall in Harry Potter! There were no floating candles or anything, but you could definitely picture Harry, Ron, and Hermione playing wizard's chess at one of the tables. Ha ha. I'm not sure what other parts of Christ's Church were used to film the movie, but all of it was very cool. They also say that's parts of Christ's Church inspire the book Alice in Wonderland!

There was also tons of stained glass (for you mom). And all of it was famous in one way or another. The colors and the patterns painted on the glass was unreal. It was cool to hear our crazy tour guid, Winnie, explain all of the stories on the stained glass. Later, after our tour I had me first tea in Oxford. Yes, I drank hot tea.....that's a first for me. I have really been trying to embrase the culture and try new things. Today I had a bagel sandwhich with feta, hummas and black was delicious! Jill you would have enjoyed it.

Today we went to the Oxford Modern Musuem and the Ashmoleam Museum. Both very cool. The Mordern had an Ansel Adams exibit, which was very cool. They also had peacocks in a really cool cage. It was an instalation piece. I am not sure what it had to do with Ansel Adams. At the Ashmolean I got to see art from Degas, Rodin, Picasso, Kandinsky, and tons of other artists. It was kind of hard to breathe when I walked into to room that had a lot of artifacts from like the beginning of time. Its unreal to walk around and look at things that old!

After the museums I walked home, coffee in hand, in the rain. It was wonderful and very Oxford.